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How to answer the most common question of an interview?

How to answer the most common question of an interview?

  • 31 Oct 2023 01:09 PM
  • Communication

Now this is a question that sounds extremely simple but can make you extremely nervous. Don’t worry in this article, you will find a few tips to help you build an impactful and well structured introduction.

1.Follow a structure

First and foremost follow a structure. Having a structure for your introduction is important for many reasons;  number one reason is your clarity of thought. We have a lot of thoughts in our mind, specially when you hera a question and because you don’t know which answer should you convey, you end up going blank so to provide that clarity of thought to yourself beforehand, is why we need a structure and to avoid missing important details.

2. First segment

In number one segment, which is your personal, you are supposed to tell your name, where you are from ,where you are currently residing and if there is any brief information you wanna share about your family, nothing more than that. Refrain from going into great detail about your family’s background or occupation since its not required.

3. Second segment

In second segment ,it is all about your educational background , you can mention your master’s ,graduation, schooling etc, plus if you have done any certifications or trainings will be mentioned here. Just make sure these are relevant to the job role you are applying for. Keep it short, precise and specific.

4. Third segment

In third segment, we talk about our professional background. Starting with your current or latest company, mention the name of the company, your designation and for how long you have worked there. Along with that, you can mention your roles and responsibilities briefly to give them an idea.

Then comes your experience in previous companies, again mention the names, designation and for how long you have worked in each company. You can either give them a common brief of your roles and responsibilities in your previous companies or can just leave it at initial information. The important thing is to keep your introduction to the point.

5. Social

In the end we have social contribution, if you have made any social contribution or is an active participant in any, you can mention that in the last segment briefly.

If there is nothing to share when it comes to social, you can simple mention your top two strengths briefly.


Remember, no matter if you are fresher or an experienced individual, your introduction should not exceed two minutes. Try to maintain a flow while speaking and ensure a conversational tone, not a reading tone. With all these things in mind, you will be able to introduce yourself impact fully.